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GC Investment Information

As a global leader of the health industry
Through a variety of business
Moving the corporate value.

Total Number of Shares(as of the end of 2017) Unit: Number of shares

주식의 총수 테이블 표
Type Common stock Preferred stock Total
Total issued 47,028,210 2,514,860 49,543,070
Treasury stock 2,094,020 2,047,319 4,141,339
In circulation 44,934,190 467,541 45,401,731
배당 테이블 표
Type Stock type FY2018 FY2017 FY2016
Face price per share (KRW) 500 500 500
(Consolidated) net income (in KRW million) 18,467 43,364 47,177
(Separate) net income (in KRW million) 19,511 20,576 26,794
(Consolidated) net income per share (KRW) 406 955 1,039
Total payout in cash (in KRW million) 11,352 13,622 13,622
(Consolidated) propensity to cash payout (%) 61.5 31.4 28.9
Cash dividend yield ratio
Common stock 1.0 0.8 1.3
Preferred stock - - 1.3
Weekly Cash dividend ratio
Common stock 250 300 300
Preferred stock 255 305 305


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게시일: 2003년 9월 1일