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Title GC Pharma lights up to celebrate ‘World Hemophilia Day’
Date of registration 2021-04-18
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The Company features this year’s slogan image on media facade

YONGIN, South Korea, April 18, 2021 - GC Pharma (formerly known as Green Cross Corporation), a South Korean biopharmaceutical company, participate in campaign to celebrate World Hemophilia Day. 

As part of GC Pharma’s continued support of the hemophilia community, the company features this year's slogan image on giant exterior media facade of its main campus in Yongin, South Korea.

Started in 1989 by the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH), in honor of their founder Frank Schnabel’s birthday, World Hemophilia Day is celebrated each year on April 17th and intended to raise awareness of the disease and other bleeding disorders.

This year’s slogan is “Adapting to Change, sustaining care in a new world”. With this slogan, the global bleeding disorders community emphasizes the continuity of treatment for bleeding disorders, including haemophilia, in a world that has turned into Covid-19.

About Hemophilia

Hemophilia is a congenital disorder that causes longer-than-normal bleeding due to absent or deficient clotting factor in the blood. Hemophilia A is more common than hemophilia B; hemophilia A affects about 150,000 people, whereas hemophilia B affects about 30,000 people worldwide. Treatment regimens typically include on-demand and/or regular prophylactic infusions of factor replacement therapy to control or prevent the risk of bleeding. People with hemophilia, working closely with their healthcare professionals, can live healthy lives with proper care and adequate treatment.

About GC Pharma 

GC Pharma (formerly known as Green Cross Corporation) is a biopharmaceutical company that delivers life-saving and life-sustaining protein therapeutics and vaccines. Headquartered in South Korea, GC Pharma is the largest plasma protein product manufacturer in Asia and has been dedicated to quality healthcare solutions for more than half a century. Green Cross Corporation updated its corporate brand to GC Pharma in early 2018. Green Cross Corporation remains the company's registered, legal name.

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