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소식 상세 테이블 표
Title GCAM Adds New Plasma Collection Center
Date of registration 2020-01-10
Attachment File

Growing number of GCAM centers on track with two additional openings this year

FULLERTON, CA, YONGIN, South Korea, 10 January 2020 - GCAM, Inc., a U.S. based plasma collection company, announced that it has added additional plasma collection centers; located in Edinburg, Texas. With the newest additions, GCAM now runs 12 plasma donation centers nationwide.

“Two additional plasma collection center will be established this year” said Sung Ick Park, GCAM CEO. “We are bringing job opportunities the local communities and helping local economics.”

Human plasma is the essential source for products to treating patients suffering from many different life-threatening disease and conditions, including immune deficiencies, hemophilia and other blood disorders. 

GCAM is a member of GC, the parent company of GC Pharma. GC Pharma is one of the largest protein therapies manufacturer in the world. GCAM collects high quality source plasma for GC Pharma and other plasma fractionators. GCAM can collect up to 650,000 liters of source plasma annually. 

About GCAM 

GCAM, Inc., headquartered in Fullerton, CA, was established in 2009 and a member of South Korea’s GC group of companies. GCAM runs source plasma centers in the United States. Its sister company, GC Pharma operates biopharmaceutical businesses on a global scale and GCBT, its immediate parent company owns state-of-art plasma fractionation facility in Montreal, Quebec.

This release includes forward-looking statements, which express the current beliefs and expectations of GC Pharma’s management. Such statements speak only as of the date on which they are made and the company undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

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